Universally Me Book Club: Elsa Lanchester, Herself

I recently hosted my first ever Book Club event discussing the incredible and unique autobiography, Elsa Lanchester, Herself. I was joined by a really enthusiastic group that included friends, film majors, an Elsa Lanchester expert, and Tom Blunt who helped get this book back into print again!

Elsa Lanchester had an unconventional upbringing, but dancing and performing was always part of her life.

Elsa Lanchester had an unconventional upbringing, but dancing and performing was always part of her life.


Elsa Lanchester was born in Lewisham, London in 1902. Her parents were politically active socialists, and Elsa’s upbringing was unconventional, to say the least. Elsa grew up performing and dancing, she studied for a time under Isadora Duncan, and transitioned into teaching. When she was in her 20s, she met and married actor Charles Laughton. Together they moved to Hollywood, and each established themselves in the film industry.

Shortly after Elsa Lanchester and Charles Laughton married, Charles came out as gay.

Shortly after Elsa Lanchester and Charles Laughton married, Charles came out as gay.

A central focus of the book is that not long after their marriage, Charles Laughton confessed to Elsa Lanchester that he was gay. Elsa takes us through that struggle, as well as the journey of their relationship as they learned to navigate their marriage in light of this.

Elsa Lanchester as Universal Studios' iconic Bride of Frankenstein in 1935.

Elsa Lanchester as Universal Studios' iconic Bride of Frankenstein in 1935.

For those of you hoping to learn about Elsa’s experience at Universal working on the Bride of Frankenstein, you may be a tad disappointed. She only spends a few pages in the book discussing her experience. But fear not, we still talked about it at the Book Club event! Make sure you check out the video above, and buy a copy of the book!

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